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snippet: Marine Mammal Sanctuaries in New Zealand for the protection of marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions) from harmful man-made (anthropogenic) impacts defined in section 22 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1978.
summary: Marine Mammal Sanctuaries in New Zealand for the protection of marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions) from harmful man-made (anthropogenic) impacts defined in section 22 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1978.
extent: [[165.553387413627,-51.1289100367792],[175.229039153102,-35.137193085636]]
accessInformation: Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><DIV><DIV><P STYLE="margin:0 0 11 0;"><SPAN>Seven Marine Mammal Sanctuaries (MMS) in New Zealand are designed to protect MMS are </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>administered by the Department of Conservation (DOC). </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Five of these are designated to protect Hector’s and </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Māui</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN> dolphins, New Zealand’s smallest dolphins and most endangered marine mammals: West Coast North Island, Clifford and Cloudy Bay, Banks Peninsula, Catlins Coast and Te Waewae Bay. The MMS at the Auckland Islands is designed to protect the main breeding area of the New Zealand sea lion and the southern right whale; the Auckland Islands are also designated as a marine reserve. The MMS in the Bay of Islands was recently designated (2021) to provide safe zones for marine mammals from high vessel interaction to encourage natural behaviours. Regulations in MMS are not uniformarine mammals (</SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions) </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>from harmful man-made (anthropogenic) impacts defined in section 22 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1978.m, though approaching marine mammals is prohibited in all areas. Some MMS have regulations for seismic survey activities, where it is the responsibility of surveyors to check the relevant regulations. Some MMS also restrict fishing activities that are particularly problematic, including set-netting, trawling and drift-netting in areas near Hector’s and </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Māui</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN> dolphins. </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Additional information on restrictions within some of these areas can be found here: </SPAN></SPAN><A href="" STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></A></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 11 0;"><SPAN><SPAN>Source: </SPAN></SPAN><A href="" STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></A></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 11 0;"><SPAN>Last updated: </SPAN><SPAN>7 June 2023</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: Marine mammal sanctuaries
type: Map Service
tags: ["OpenData","DOC","DOC Areas","Sanctuaries","Marine","Conservation","Marine mammals","Protection","Spatial Management"]
culture: en-NZ
name: Marine_mammal_sanctuaries
guid: BF29BD3B-72D6-4D95-846E-9A5F768EEB45
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Mercator_41