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snippet: Coastal Sensitivity Index Inundation. Coordinate Reference System: New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM, EPSG:2193) The CSI is mapped as coloured line segments around the New Zealand coast. Each of the 1800 line segments corresponds to a unique combination of geomorphic and oceanographic attributes that reflect that part of the coast’s sensitivity to future climate change. This is shown as a band of changing colour around the coast. The colours graduate from blue to green to yellow to red: where the blue indicates lower, the yellow moderate and the red higher sensitivity to coastal inundation and coastal erosion due to future climate change. The information can be overlaid on Google maps, satellite images, or terrain. The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change (CACC) project. This four-year project funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE contract C0X0802) was intended to create the necessary information and tools to enable adaptation by central and local government and communities to the impacts of climate-induced change on the coastal environment.
summary: Coastal Sensitivity Index Inundation. Coordinate Reference System: New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM, EPSG:2193) The CSI is mapped as coloured line segments around the New Zealand coast. Each of the 1800 line segments corresponds to a unique combination of geomorphic and oceanographic attributes that reflect that part of the coast’s sensitivity to future climate change. This is shown as a band of changing colour around the coast. The colours graduate from blue to green to yellow to red: where the blue indicates lower, the yellow moderate and the red higher sensitivity to coastal inundation and coastal erosion due to future climate change. The information can be overlaid on Google maps, satellite images, or terrain. The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change (CACC) project. This four-year project funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE contract C0X0802) was intended to create the necessary information and tools to enable adaptation by central and local government and communities to the impacts of climate-induced change on the coastal environment.
extent: [[167.353391658153,-46.7419594118068],[179.387170787346,-34.297654499321]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: Coastal Sensitivity Index Inundation
type: Map Service
tags: ["coast","ocean","risk","coastal","sensitivity","coastoceans","inundation"]
culture: en-NZ
name: Coastal_Sensitivity_Index_Inundation
guid: 01BBFB11-0B8D-4A9B-ACAB-E3B78F7012FC
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator