{ "currentVersion": 11.1, "cimVersion": "3.1.0", "id": 28, "name": "Minerals Permit Applications", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "

Minerals Permit Webmaps - <\/SPAN>https://data.nzpam.govt.nz/permitwebmaps/?commodity=minerals<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

NZP&M provides online maps using real-time data to show all current minerals permits and applications in New Zealand. The maps are updated through our permit register system and GIS database. You can print out maps, or download the data as shapefiles.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Online maps provided by NZP&M showing current minerals permits and applications in New Zealand. They are updated as required through the NZP&M permit registry system and GIS database. See the NZP&M website for more info: <\/SPAN>Minerals Permit Webmaps - New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

NZP&M portal - Mineral permits<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

The service includes mineral applications, active permits, open, pending and closed applications, and reserved areas.<\/SPAN><\/P>


These data are managed by the NZP&M Geospatial team. If you have any questions about the map or the data displayed, please contact us at ERMGeospatial@mbie.govt.nz.<\/SPAN><\/P>


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