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Marine_farms___finfish (MapServer)

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Service Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Marine FarmsThe Marine Farms layer is a collection of Marine Farm data from various sources.This includes marine farms were collected by Hamish Rennie as part of a PHD in2004; these were digitised from the SO plans used in the applications for permits.Further collection was carried out by OmniLink on behalf of the Ministry of Fisheriesand was completed in March 2007 as follows:“In 2006 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) commissioned Omnilink Ltd to survey NewZealand local government agencies (city, district and regional councils) on theavailability of coastal data that is maintained in electronic form via a geographicinformation system (GIS). Following the survey, MFish contracted OmniLink tocollect data from each council and collate into a national dataset.”Some marine farms have been added from further direct contact with the respectivecouncils.NOTE: Councils may collect their data differently and assign different attributeswhich can cause some farms to be matched with varying levels of accuracy.Methods of data capture include:1. Digitised from aerial photography.2. Plotted from coordinates, supplied by permit holder or from council records.3. Digitised from council records.Local or regional council name Method of data captureEnvironment Waikato Digitised from aerial photographyTasman district council UnknownNorthland district council UnknownMarlborough district council UnknownNelson City council UnknownEnvironment Bay of Plenty UnknownAttributes:Field name DefinitionMFISH_ID Unique ID for MFish purposesCouncil Abbreviated council code as describedbelowCouncil_Poly_ID Identifier in MDC databaseCP_ID Regional Council coastal permit applicationnumberMAF_Permit As issued by MAFFarm_ID Identifier for a farm made up of several lotsthat may have different permit numbersLot_number Number of each lot within a farmCurrent_Status Active or inactive – are there other valuesApproval_category As described belowExpiry_date Coastal permit expiry dateCreated_by Initial person responsible for polygon andassociated attributesCreated_Date initial created dateLocation_status Source of area polygonModified_by Person responsible for last modificationModified_date When the last modification was carried outLot_Area Calculated area of this lot (ha)FMA Fisheries Management area.Species Species farmed by species codeStructure_type Type of structure the species is farmed on.Council abbreviations:HBRC= Hawke's Bay Regional Council NRC= Northland Regional CouncilARC=Auckland Regional CouncilWRC= Waikato Regional CouncilMDC= Marlborough District CouncilTDC= Tasman District CouncilSRC= Southland Regional CouncilWTCR= West Coast Regional CouncilBOPRC= Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilCRC= Canterbury Regional CouncilWGTRC= Wellington Regional CouncilCIRC= Chatham Islands CouncilStructure Types:Intertidal racksLonglinesFishcagesApproval_categoryApproved : has both a current coastal permit and if necessary a fisheries permit,marine farm licence or marine farm lease.Declined : coastal permit was declined.Ministry Fisheries reservation : lot was declined by MAF on the basis of an undueadverse effect on fishing .Closed : coastal permit application was closed by the Council before a decision wasmade.Withdrawn : coastal permit application was withdrawn by the applicant before adecision was made.Expired/Surrendered : an approved coastal permit was surrendered or not renewedoften when replaced with another coastal permit.Forfeited/Lapsed : a marine farm licence or lease was relinquished or not renewed.Processing : waiting for a coastal permit decision or a MAF aquaculture decisionProcessing – approved and appealed : an approved coastal permit decision hasbeen appealed and is awaiting outcome.Processing – declined and appealed : a declined coastal permit decision has beenappealed and is awaiting outcomeProcessing – Judicial review of MAF aquaculture decisionMatchingUsing a list supplied by the Ministry of Fisheries Aquaculture unit and the marineFarm number a marine farm was assigned as a “match” or “non match”. First usingautomated matching then using manual matching as follows:Duplicates were removed in the instance of duplicate marine farm number andspatial location overlap and where there was an exact spatial overlap. NOTE: there are some duplicate fields in this table but this has been preserved to retain the any links the the spatial allocations process.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

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Layers: Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Marine FarmsThe Marine Farms layer is a collection of Marine Farm data from various sources.This includes marine farms were collected by Hamish Rennie as part of a PHD in2004; these were digitised from the SO plans used in the applications for permits.Further collection was carried out by OmniLink on behalf of the Ministry of Fisheriesand was completed in March 2007 as follows:“In 2006 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) commissioned Omnilink Ltd to survey NewZealand local government agencies (city, district and regional councils) on theavailability of coastal data that is maintained in electronic form via a geographicinformation system (GIS). Following the survey, MFish contracted OmniLink tocollect data from each council and collate into a national dataset.”Some marine farms have been added from further direct contact with the respectivecouncils.NOTE: Councils may collect their data differently and assign different attributeswhich can cause some farms to be matched with varying levels of accuracy.Methods of data capture include:1. Digitised from aerial photography.2. Plotted from coordinates, supplied by permit holder or from council records.3. Digitised from council records.Local or regional council name Method of data captureEnvironment Waikato Digitised from aerial photographyTasman district council UnknownNorthland district council UnknownMarlborough district council UnknownNelson City council UnknownEnvironment Bay of Plenty UnknownAttributes:Field name DefinitionMFISH_ID Unique ID for MFish purposesCouncil Abbreviated council code as describedbelowCouncil_Poly_ID Identifier in MDC databaseCP_ID Regional Council coastal permit applicationnumberMAF_Permit As issued by MAFFarm_ID Identifier for a farm made up of several lotsthat may have different permit numbersLot_number Number of each lot within a farmCurrent_Status Active or inactive – are there other valuesApproval_category As described belowExpiry_date Coastal permit expiry dateCreated_by Initial person responsible for polygon andassociated attributesCreated_Date initial created dateLocation_status Source of area polygonModified_by Person responsible for last modificationModified_date When the last modification was carried outLot_Area Calculated area of this lot (ha)FMA Fisheries Management area.Species Species farmed by species codeStructure_type Type of structure the species is farmed on.Council abbreviations:HBRC= Hawke's Bay Regional Council NRC= Northland Regional CouncilARC=Auckland Regional CouncilWRC= Waikato Regional CouncilMDC= Marlborough District CouncilTDC= Tasman District CouncilSRC= Southland Regional CouncilWTCR= West Coast Regional CouncilBOPRC= Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilCRC= Canterbury Regional CouncilWGTRC= Wellington Regional CouncilCIRC= Chatham Islands CouncilStructure Types:Intertidal racksLonglinesFishcagesApproval_categoryApproved : has both a current coastal permit and if necessary a fisheries permit,marine farm licence or marine farm lease.Declined : coastal permit was declined.Ministry Fisheries reservation : lot was declined by MAF on the basis of an undueadverse effect on fishing .Closed : coastal permit application was closed by the Council before a decision wasmade.Withdrawn : coastal permit application was withdrawn by the applicant before adecision was made.Expired/Surrendered : an approved coastal permit was surrendered or not renewedoften when replaced with another coastal permit.Forfeited/Lapsed : a marine farm licence or lease was relinquished or not renewed.Processing : waiting for a coastal permit decision or a MAF aquaculture decisionProcessing – approved and appealed : an approved coastal permit decision hasbeen appealed and is awaiting outcome.Processing – declined and appealed : a declined coastal permit decision has beenappealed and is awaiting outcomeProcessing – Judicial review of MAF aquaculture decisionMatchingUsing a list supplied by the Ministry of Fisheries Aquaculture unit and the marineFarm number a marine farm was assigned as a “match” or “non match”. First usingautomated matching then using manual matching as follows:Duplicates were removed in the instance of duplicate marine farm number andspatial location overlap and where there was an exact spatial overlap. NOTE: there are some duplicate fields in this table but this has been preserved to retain the any links the the spatial allocations process.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Service Item Id: f4e538b94501442a8d2eb58b461c916f

Copyright Text: Spatial Allocations Team

Spatial Reference: 2193  (2193)  LatestVCSWkid(0)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryLegends   QueryDomains   Find   Return Updates